Generate an incomplete block A-optional design. The function is optimized for incomplete blocks of three, but it will also work with comparisons of any other number of options. The design strives for approximate A optimality, this means that it is robust to missing observations. It also strives for balance for positions of each option. Options are equally divided between first, second, third, etc. position. The strategy is to create a "pool" of combinations that does not repeat combinations and is A-optimal. Then this pool is ordered to make subsets of consecutive combinations also relatively balanced and A-optimal

  ncomp = 3,
  availability = NULL,
  props = NULL,



an integer for the number of incomplete blocks to be generated


a character for the name of items tested in the experiment


an integer for the number of items to be assigned to each incomplete block


optional, a vector with integers indicating the number of plots available for each itemnames


optional, a numeric vector with the desired proportions for each itemnames


additional arguments passed to methods


A dataframe with the randomized design


Bailey and Cameron (2004). Combinations of optimal designs.


Jacob van Etten


ncomp = 3
npackages = 20
itemnames = c("apple","banana","grape","mango", "orange")
availability = c(5, 8, 50, 50, 50)

randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
          npackages = npackages,
          itemnames = itemnames)
#>     item_A item_B item_C
#>      <chr>  <chr>  <chr>
#> 1:   apple  grape orange
#> 2:  banana orange  mango
#> 3:   mango  apple banana
#> 4:  banana  mango  grape
#> 5:   grape orange  apple
#> ---                     
#> 16:  apple  mango orange
#> 17: banana orange  grape
#> 18:  mango  apple banana
#> 19: orange  grape  mango
#> 20:  grape banana  apple

randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
          npackages = npackages,
          itemnames = itemnames,
          availability = availability)
#>     item_A item_B item_C
#>      <chr>  <chr>  <chr>
#> 1:  banana  grape  mango
#> 2:   apple banana orange
#> 3:   mango orange  grape
#> 4:   grape  mango orange
#> 5:  orange  grape  mango
#> ---                     
#> 16: orange banana  grape
#> 17: banana  grape  mango
#> 18:  mango orange  apple
#> 19: orange  mango  grape
#> 20:  grape  mango orange

if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# run diagnostics to certify that randomization is balanced
# the number of interactions should have the lower sd as possible
# this verification may not work well when technologies are 
# tested in different proportions
design = randomize(ncomp = ncomp,
                   npackages = npackages,
                   itemnames = itemnames)

design$best = "A"

design$worst = "C"

# number of times each item is tested in the 
# trial design
ntest = table(unlist(design[,c(1:3)]))


# put into the PlackettLuce structure to check 
# number of interactions between items 
r = gosset::rank_tricot(design, c(1:3), c(4:5))

bn = gosset::set_binomialfreq(r)

bn$interactions = bn$win1 + bn$win2

bn = bn[,c(1,2,5)]
